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Showing posts from 2013

Rails Queen 56 inches long Bed

Rails Queen Long Bed Rails Queen Long Bed 56 inches long Easy to assemble and no tools are required No hassle in making the bed or changing the sheets Hideaway feature doesn't get in the way of making the bed or changing the sheets Extra long 56 inches rail provides added security › See more product details Rails Queen Long Bed This review is for both Hide Away Extra Long and another comparable model, Sleep Tite Extra long, of same brand. I am currently using both models so I can compare these two with each other. What's in common? Overall both are in good quality and solid enough for their purpose. The extra long length is a big advantage for my sleep-mobile kids. They don't just roll sideways. These rails are the longest ones I can find on market. They look very similar and basically have same mechanism for installation. Once installed properly, there is no gap(at least no gap that wide enough to be considered dangerous)between the rail an...